Wednesday, September 19, 2018

A post about getting older

In about 35 hours I will officially turn another year older. For the past few years I've been noticing changes that are occurring within me. The signs are all pointing to peri-menopause or pre-menopause or whatever you want to call it. Most things I just take as they are. Hot flashes - got 'em, hate 'em but it's not the end of the world. Weight gain...that's nothing new. New wrinkles, sagging areas of flesh, wiry hairs on my chin, achy joints, check, check, check and check. Gray hair, well, that's what hair dye is for and exploring new colors has been fun! That "time of the month" coming closer together but shorter in length, it's annoying but, eh. It's all a part of the deal and I know I'm not alone.

There are two things, though, that have caused me to pause and internally stress during this peri-menopause phase of life - hormone surges and memory loss.

I noticed the memory loss a few years back. I would be mid-sentence and suddenly realize that I couldn't remember a word that I wanted to use. I could visualize the word, I just could not come up with the word. As I came closer to needing to say the word, my mind would race trying to fit the word into the picture in my head of what I wanted to say. The more I stressed over trying to find the word, the more elusive the word would be and I would wind up saying things like, "you know that animal that has four legs, pointed ears, whiskers and chases mice" instead of "cat" because I could not come up with the word cat.  C.A.T...CAT! All my life, words have been important to me. I love stringing them together in spaces such as this, sharing my thoughts and feelings. I loved the times when I was able to preach and share the inspiration and faith I had found in Jesus and the Bible with others. I take words seriously and have worked to use my words for good. So the fact that mid-sentence I suddenly couldn't come up with a very simple, every day word, jostled my confidence. I can handle a lot. Losing simple words is pushing my "what I can handle" limits.

This year I've noticed the hormone surges. Serious hormone surges that seemingly come out of nowhere and take me to the edge of feeling out of control. I've noticed a tendency to get so very angry over nothing. Or I operate at a near state of tears. It's PMS on steroids. I've always been a pretty sensitive person, but the hormone surges have taken me beyond sensitive. Add in hot flashes and this sensitive, controlled person becomes an out of control, hot mess...literally.

As I turn another year older, I anticipate this only getting worse. I'm not sure how long this whole peri-menopause/menopause thing is going to last. So if you see me and I'm struggling to finish a sentence, alternating between anger and sadness, and sweating profusely, just know the moment will pass. I'll figure out the word, my emotions will return to normal and my body temperature will just may take a few days. I'm just getting older. 

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