Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A post about letter openers

So, here's the thing.  In this job I get to open envelopes.

When I started, the gentleman who was supplying the office gave me a couple of letter openers.  They looked something like this, but they had his business information on it (yes, shameless self promotion!).

I was using those letter openers just fine.  Then one day, one shot off the desk and behind the drawer cabinet and so I was down to one.  No biggie, it's not like these things wear out quickly.

That one, though, had a tendency to, um, well, slice through whatever was in envelope.  Now, I could blame it on the people who folded and inserted the letter into the envelope the incorrect way, or I can woman-up and admit, I got a little zealous with the opener. Whatever.

After about 3 times of this happening and my admitting it to the office manager here (I have this habit of telling people some of my stupid mistakes.  Sometimes I think I take authenticity too far), she gave me a letter opener that looked like this.

It's all plastic.  No more sliced up letters.

One afternoon, the office manager walked in as I was opening envelopes.  She asked me how my new letter opener was working and I said "It's working great!"  and as I opened the next letter I SNAPPED THE LETTER OPENER IN HALF!!!

I now open a letters with half a plastic letter opener.  Because I am just that awesome.

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